There are 2 methods available for searching the library catalog. The first one is SIMPLE SEARCH, which is the simplest method for searching catalog. Enter any keyword that containes either titles, author(s) names or subjects. You may supply more than one keywords in Simple Search method to expand your search results.
ADVANCED SEARCH allows you define keywords in more specific fields. If you want your keywords only pertaining to the title field, then type your keyword in Title field. The system will limit its search within Title fields only,. It will not search in other fields. Similarly, Location field lets you narrowing search results by specific location, so only collection that exists in selected location get fetched by system.
You may renew books my sending the book account number via SMS or WhatsApp to 9346746446
You may now use a new Reservation feature to reserve books you wish for the staff to keep ready for pickup. Just login as a member and search for books. Hover over the Item Availability number to reveal the "Add to Basket" plus sign. Click on it and add other books likewise to the basket. Click on the titles basket symbol on the top right corner to see the list of book reservations you wish to make. Click on the "Reserve Title(s) on Basket" button to share the list with the Library staff. Collect your book(s) from the library staff within 24 hours.
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